The Magic Hour Dreamcast
Magic Hour Dreamcast
The Spell of Social Media

The Spell of Social Media

Social Media- a blessing or a curse?
Could it be both?

Along with identifying where magic and power exist for us there is a deep recognition that magic has rules. There are important lessons about balance here. 

Magical codes of ethics are being formed as new spaces are created, so it’s an intentional and deeply personal need Rudo and I have to come to terms with the virtual space, which in some ways we were thrown into without any intentional awareness. 

Behind each virtual door lies the choice to be part of a fertile world-building creative process or a monstrous, destructive, and cruel spellcasting process. Which one you choose to partake in is your absolute right as free humans. And we’re here to tell you there are no rules that can’t be broken, and no sense of morality that can’t be flipped. 

This is particularly relevant during Yule time, when we are often trying to maintain our sanity. This would be a great time to take stock of any addictive patterns you want to quell…to ponder what social media is and isn’t for you. This is an exploration of the power and potential that lie beneath your fingers…as you tap away at your metal and glass electric wands…these digital devices of endless possibilities. 

So where are your limits? Where are you feelings leading you to? Let’s find out. 

A World of Minerals in your Mobile Device

The tech moguls who invented social media have banned their children from it



Smoke Hole- Looking to the Wild in the Time of the Spyglass by Martin Shaw

Rejected by Don Hertzfeldt (If you check this out, be aware it is rather dark humor and gets rather abstract and even gross. Wouldn't show my kids! And if you are sensitive you may not like it- but it is quite amazing, clever, and hilarious for those that wish to see it!)

"Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, and the soul is reserved."

— John O'Donohue

Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Chokepoint capitalism

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Reclaiming Conversation

adrienne maree brown 

Sonya Renee Taylor

Our theme song, Whimsical Aliens, written by Ale support him on Patreon!

Thank you to Bjorn who produces all of our episodes!

The Magic Hour Dreamcast
Magic Hour Dreamcast
Welcome to the magic hour. A safe haven for lost stories and curious folk.
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Pixie and Rudo